Spring Programme - 5 March 2020

Lake Pickering – some new insights

Dr Laura Eddey, alumni Sheffield University

The concept of Lake Pickering originated with Kendall's 1902 paper on the paleo-glacial lake system thought to have occupied the Cleveland Hills during the last Ice Age. In the 120 years since, researchers have endeavoured to expound upon Kendall's idea by documenting and interpreting the evidence for the size, duration, and frequency of Lake Pickering and the hydrological controls responsible. Presented will be the latest research by Dr Laura Eddey that focuses on Lake Pickering during the Late Devensian and into the early Holocene.

Laura Eddey
Dr Laura Eddey gained her PhD in geography from the University of Sheffield. She previously studied for a masters of science in geomorphology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison and a bachelor of science at the University of Minnesota. She currently works as an assistant planning officer at Ryedale District Council.